OPS Virtual Instructor Training
Registration for OPS Instructor Courses
Dates for OPS online training for APPROVED INSTRUCTORS ONLY:
Payments are non-refundable but can be transferred to another course in the same calendar year. Cancellations must be done in writing 48 hours before the start of any course, or all fees are forfeited. Registration takes 24-48 hours to process, your patience is appreciated.
Jan 21, 2025, 3-5p EST course/workshop ID: 0025P1336- 3D
Feb 4, 2025 3-5pm EST course/workshop ID: 00025P1337 - 3D
Feb 18, 2025 8-10a EST course/workshop ID: 00025P1338 - 3D
March 10, 2025 9-11am EST course/workshop ID: 00025P1339- 3D
April 15, 2025 3-5p EST course/workshop ID: 00025P1387-3D
May 8, 2025 3-5p EST course/workshop ID: 00025P1388-3D
June 12, 2025 3-5pEST course/workshop ID: 00025P1389-4D
Cost $100 Pay using the link below for instructor fee
AWHONN materials are now combined cost with instructor notebook for $275.00 for both courses only one fee! Once your approved as an instructor the link is provided in your approval email.
Course Overview
2.75 CNE Contact Hours
The Obstetric Patient Safety: Emergencies Workshop (OPS) is designed to disseminate best practices for postpartum hemorrhage, hypertension disorders of pregnancy, and maternal sepsis to obstetric, emergency department, medical/surgical, intensive care, and critical access clinicians. Through active simulation and debriefing, this Workshop will improve the clinician’s recognition of, readiness for, response to, and reporting of postpartum hemorrhage, hypertension disorders of pregnancy, and maternal sepsis providing greater access for women to receive early, effective, and aggressive life-saving treatments for obstetric emergencies.
Complete the AWHONN CCOE Education Course (online) prior to attending the classroom course, each participant must complete the online portion prior to the start of the live course. Refunds are not provided for failure to complete the course work. Cancellations can be done in writing within 48 hours of the course start date, for a one time transfer in same calendar year. No refunds
AWHONN OPS Workshop Course Dates
The Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses is accredited with distinction as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. Accredited status does not imply endorsement by AWHONN or the ANCC of any commercial products displayed or discussed in conjunction with an educational activity. AWHONN is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider #CEP580.
Physicians, this activity was planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of AffinityCE and AWHONN. AffinityCE is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians. AffinityCE designates this live activity for a maximum of 10.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Mention of any products in AWHONN’s Obstetric Patient Safety: OB Emergencies Workshop does not constitute an endorsement by AWHONN.
Course Objectives
Obstetric emergencies are high-acuity, low-frequency events. Despite efforts from many collaborating agencies and professional organizations, the maternal mortality rate in the United States continues to remain high. The prerequisite on-line courses are designed to help you identify, assess, and manage women with specific obstetric emergencies such as hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, postpartum hemorrhage, and maternal sepsis. The courses utilize critical thinking concepts presented in a case study format that allow you to apply the knowledge you learn
The overarching objectives are to:
•Demonstrate effective management for pregnant or postpartum women who present with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.
•Demonstrate effective management for women who have excessive bleeding after giving birth.
•Demonstrate effective management for maternal sepsis.
•Role-play with a multidisciplinary team using simulation-based cognitive, behavioral, and technical learning strategies to practice management of postpartum hemorrhage.
Preparing for Your Course
Participants must purchase the OPS : Emergencies Workshop Student Materials. Student Materials, which contain presentation materials and skills station and simulation tools, must be purchased for each participant completing the classroom course. Materials cannot be shared or reused, as each resource contains a unique identification code that will allow each person to obtain a continuing education. The cost is $275.00 (includes materials for both classes) it is purchased on awhonn.org website links are provided in your OPS approval emails. your OPS emails
Materials include the following:
Participant Code
Prerequisite: AWHONN Critical Care Obstetrics Education (CCOE) courses: Noninvasive Hemodynamic Function and Assessment, Postpartum Hemorrhage, Preeclampsia and Severe Hypertension, and Sepsis and Septic Shock
OPS: OB Emergencies Workshop Participant Handout
Participant Criteria Checklist
Medications for Severe Hypertension (Labetalol, Hydralazine, and Nifedipine)
PPH tools
Maternal Sepsis Protocol
Participant Criteria Checklist
Simulation Scenarios
Team Debriefing form
Registration Form or Ask a Question
Perinatal Clinical Nurse Specialist
AWHONN Instructor Trainer
AWHONN Obstetric Program Instructor
AWHONN Healthy Mom&Baby Magazine, Editor
Independent Legal Consultant
International & National Speaker
Inpatient OB Course Instructor